Wednesday, May 03, 2006

XBox for the weary

Sent in March, last one before blogging began


So it’s taken a couple of months since the last note, but things tend to come up when planning a wedding. Yeah, I know, who’d have thunk it?

Was trying to figure out the way I feel right now, and I was going to go for something simple, like at the bottom of a mountain looking up at an avalanche, but that’s not really it.
Mainly, I feel like this guy:

This is the soldier who was guarding the fort right before Lancelot attacked in Monty Python’s "Holy Grail." The wedding (Lancelot) seems to ominously approach, yet at the same time never actually moves forward. So I stand there, eating my apple and wondering how in God’s name freaking cake icing can be that important, only to take a sword in my gut out of nowhere.

OK, it’s a stretch.

Anyway, most other things have been pushed aside as we put this thing together, and I’m afraid most things will continue to be pushed aside as the date approaches. I therefore feel perfectly justified in getting fatter. You’ll see me waddling down the aisle soon enough, so long as my knees don’t give out.

Meredith, meantime, is in Italy visiting her sister. She says she bought me something I’m going to like and I have no idea. The only thing Italian I’m interested in is pizza and guns, and I’m doubtful she’ll get past customs with either.

But I am making the most of my time with her out of the country. You know, when the cat’s away, the mice will sit around, playing Xbox and seeing what kind of beard they can grow. Such is life for mice in their mid-30s.

Small town livin’:
I’ve spotted the two greatest campaign slogans ever both appearing on signs and in the newspaper:
– "Don’t be odd, vote for Todd."
– And the other, featuring a pair of children looking into the camera with puppy dog eyes, "Don’t make us sad, vote for our dad." (The rhythm isn’t as good as the first one, which in my mind makes it better.)

Anyway, I’m not sure how normal Stephenville is for the sake of Todd, but I do know that the Dad, one "Chilli" Davis, managed to make it into a runoff with the majority of the vote.

Back in Abilene:
Went back to A-town to attend a lunch for Alicia, who just got some big fancy job at the center at UT that houses the Watergate notes of Woodward and Bernstein. I hope she’s able to pull through, especially with the hardship of living within walking distance of downtown.

It was good to see folks from the time before my job included watching one hour of "South Park" reruns. I think the weirdest thing I noticed is that everyone on staff seems to have lost weight since I left. What the hell was I doing?

Random thoughts on 281:
Don’t know what this means: Stephenville manages to keep open two of the chain shops for Universal Tattoo. This is besides the I-don’t-know-how-many Mom and One-eyed Pop tattoo parlors the city of 14,000 boasts. Meanwhile, Stephenville’s first Starbucks opened less than a month ago.

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