Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lubbock Drudged

I cringe any time I see my hometown linked through a headline on the Drudge Report. (Article)

Apparently Drudge thinks it's noteworthy that Lubbock officials are asking people to pray for rain. I don't see the big deal. Maybe I'm tonedeaf, living in Abilene, our city officials were asking people to pray all the damn time.

I do think the Lubbock mayor's comments are a bit over the top, and I don't get why fasting has become an in vogue thing for people to do. I grew up in churches and I never heard a minister talk about the joys of fasting until a year ago. It seems like a much more personal decision to make.
"Nobody is going to tell God what to do and what not to do, but we are in a serious drought in West Texas and since he is the man who controls the rain clouds, we're asking him for his mercy and his help," Mayor David Miller told the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
The City Council and the Lubbock County commissioners are expected to adopt resolutions this week asking local residents to both pray and fast for rain this Sunday.

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