Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Troll Trek

Last week this blog had its first visit by a troll, who commented on a discussion (actually, a correction and thank-you exchange) on one of my more random comments on Star Trek.

He was a polite troll, sorta.

“Anoymous, you sound like one of those 40+ year olds who can fluently speak klingon and have developed arthritis in your right hand for many years of making the Spock, "live long and prosper" peace symbol. Take a lesson from Sulu. Even he came out of the closet. As Shatner once said collectively to trekies -- GET A LIFE!

I mean no offense really. Just came across this and wanted stir things up. Adios!”

Funny how he left his name space empty and criticized another dude as “anonymous.” Anyway, I’m pretty sure I know who wrote the criticized comment and am sure he can take of himself.

Anyway, this got me to thinking. I wasted a good deal of time wondering about the blog and what I’d like it to be. Maybe something larger, someday. Whatever, I’m staying away from politics.

Right now, it’s a way to keep friends up to date and practice writing. And to post pictures of my dogs. If it keeps my seven people a day coming back (hello Britain) I’m fine with that.

It’d also be weird if the comments section turned into some kind of angry free-for-all (and by weird I mean “cool”).

Other stuff:

  • Maybe it’s the summer, but I’ve become lazy enough to watch some TV in my off hours, and I’m getting into “Treasure Hunters” on CBS. The premise is that different teams, ranging from a few token families of fat people to some real hotties, race around finding clues that’ll eventually lead to treasure. It’s formulaic, but the clues have to do with history, and I like formula. So far, the ugly teams have been dropping like flies, whereas the purty ones (one is made up of beauty pageant contestants, I shit you not) somehow struggle on. I’ll admit I cheered last week when the dumb redneck team, which was mean to the team with black members, went down in flames for not knowing that “L” is a 50 in roman numerals. The redneck leader had a mullet and kept saying that he believed in “Kharma.”
  • I’ve also caught some of the PBS documentary on Bob Dylan. I’ve never listened to much of his music, and since I’m ignorant on all things musical, I can watch the show and always be surprised. I have to catch it in bits and pieces, but there’s two things I’ve picked up so far:
    1) In the 60s, Dylan was booed by half the crowd at every concert he played anytime he started playing rock as opposed to the "pure” folk music they wanted to hear. Which is a good example of what happens to people once they become radicalized. And:

    2) During one interview, a French journalist asked Dylan why he sang. Dylan looked at her confused. “Why do I sing? … I don’t know, because it’s what I do.”
I’ve been through several job interviews that came to a screeching halt when the interviewer asked me, “So, why do you write?” and my mind went fleeing for some kind of answer that sounded articulate and not full of B.S. I could never really come up with anything. But next time, I’m going to tell the Dylan story, ending with “And if that’s good enough for Bob Dylan, it’s Damn sure good enough for me. So suck it!” Then I’ll knock over their pen and pencil holder and walk my ass out of the room.
  • People should wink more often.

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