Tuesday, September 26, 2006


And thusly the marriage disdt enter in to the limbo...

Maybe you've noticed that the living details I usually insert have gotten a little sketchy lately. (Or maybe you just tune in for my comments on Bon Jovi and don't care).

The deal is, as we're married and stuff, me and Mer have been trying to work out some details. I.E.: Where to live. And, What job I'll have.

So, as to that, we're looking for a house in the D/FW Metroplex, which is fairly difficult, save for the fact that I'm married to a licensed realtor and I'm sure we'll find something good. We also waited to get married until after the housing market went down, so you can see we're genuises.

As to the job ... Eh.

I went to a career development agency last week, and we discussed "forging personal networks" and putting together an "eye-catching resume." And I couldn't stop thinking how incredibly, mind-numbingly, poke-me-in-the-eye-with-a-cactus-to-keep-me-awake boring the whole process sounded.

More on this later.

Spent Monday in bed. Had to call in sick to work for the first time all year. Felt better by Tuesday. You don't want to know the other details.

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