Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"Friday Night Lights" Liveblog

OK. TV running. Me sitting too close. Bourbon and Coke on the right hand. We're ready.

7:01: "I don't hate you Lila, that makes it harder." This line right after a slutty cheerleader dance.
The stupid thing is that they obviously shot this scene right by a lake in Austin, and the skyline just jumped into the picture.

7:05: Homecoming kind of looked like the ACL festival. Sheesh. Oh well. Ah, the beginning sequence finally. The shots of middle America and the soulful guitar. I gotta say it's the best entry sequence on TV.

Old Navy. It's a swimming pool but it's winter and full of snow.

7:10: "Abilene, city of opportunity." Oh God, it's gonna take me a bit to get over that.

7:13: Car scene. They show the car from behind, climbing a hill with a cliff on the left. Cut to scene inside the car: Flat country with a barbed wire fence. Sloppy. And distracting. I'm going to stop worrying about this.

7:18: Interesting. The Ex-QB great comes back with his hat in his hands. Realistic enough. I don't know where they're taking this. I'd guess that they've already figured the plot is too complicated to bring someone else in, so they'll get rid of him by the end of the show.
And where are they eating? There's no place in West Texas like that: New and yet with a cool vibe. It's either old with a great collection of doo-dads and new and serving drinks in plastic glasses. Or a chain.

7:25: Is that Lone Star Beer? Oh, no, National Beer. What the hell is that? Hmmm... Something bad is going down at theis party they're planning. Football players and strippers. What could go bad?

7:30: I'm going to be real, real happy when this injured QB and doting cheerleader thing crashes and burns. Maybe he'll bust out with the accusation of cheating, during homecoming, at the 50-yard line. He will, if he's a real man.

There is nothing inside of me that wants to see the latest Bond film. The movie trailers could be two bald fat guys playing checkers, and my pulse would quicken more.

7:35: Ex-star is refused. I guess he'll provide some dramatics later. Also: "We're three games into the season and ..." They've made several references to the season being over if they lose this. No high school in Texas is playing district games that early. Another detail screwed.

7:39: Well that was touching. (The team motto is lame, though.)

Drink refll.

7:45: So the game is on. And once again, it's shaping up to be a last-second contest. Every game they've had so far has come down to the last minute. They can't order lunch at the cafeteria without it coming down to the last minute.

7:50: Actually, they're getting better at the football matchups. OK.
Now the tough guy is getting all sensitive. Hmmm ... 10 minutes left. Bad things at the party. Bad things.

That nurse chick from Scrubs has made more "More You Know" spots than Morris did commercials.

7:55: Ah. The parties with strippers. Yeah. Have no idea. Sure wasn't part of my high school experience.

7:59: Steroids enters the pictures. That leads to no good. Look what it did to Dolph Lundgren.

Good night. A decent show. Could've been better. Again.


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I think you're more obsessed with this show than your audience...or their audience.

  2. Yeah, I admit that. I played high school football in West Texas, it's a show about high school football, supposedly set in West Texas. I'm therefore into a little bit more into it than, say, a band geek from Newport News.

    Still, I announced beforehand that it was an experiment, and my audience consists of about five drinking buddies and the odd wanderer-in from Brazil. I don't know why it's Brazil, but yo.

    And I was already told before this comment that I didn't quite get the concept.

    So, it didn't work. I'm moving on. Thanks.
