Sunday, November 19, 2006

The week that otherwise was the one that just happened

Since I didn't post much recently, here's a very short take on the recent interesting bits:
  • Knight hits a kid: You can take a very quick guess as to where my sympathies lie on this one. The most hilarious part -- All of the sports columnists outraged that Knight had taken the kid's self esteem. Because self esteem is freaking sacrosanct to sports columnists.
  • O.J.: I never registered more than a shrug.
  • Scientology freaks get married: The thought hit me in the grocery store -- Exactly what floats to the top of the milk jug of pop culture? You had magazine covers for Cruise and the girl who's so dumb she thinks this is a wise career move. You had a shot of Brad and Angelina in some third world country, trying to raise our awareness of their awareness. And Cosmo announced eight new sex positions that they had never before printed. Because we've all had the thought recently -- while feeding the dog or debating if five pieces of pumpkin pie is too much too soon -- is "Gee, I could really expand the number of sex positions in my repertoire by eight."
  • Job hunt: Still sucks.

Bleg: Any of my computer-knowledgeable buds: My computer is set to do some kind of quick-key search whenever I type e-mails or blog entries. What this means: When I press "S" when I'm typing an e-mail, the "Shopping" option on hotmail menu is highlighted. If I then press "Enter" to go to then next line, I'm immediately taken to the MSN Shopping site, and whatever I've been typing is cleared. Really annoying.


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sounds viral. Go getchya some hot Spybot action and let it do its thing:

    In layman's terms, it searches for the bad on your computer and unbads it.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous Bastard!
