Monday, December 18, 2006

Breaking: Truck That Does Not Move Moves

I got a call on my phone when this happened:

You may recall several postings I did over this hunk of garbage directly across a dangerously narrow street from our driveway.
Well, here's the scene today:

The Truck That Does Not Move did not move, of course, under its own power. A tow truck came to take it to it's proper resting place, perhaps as a case of Busch beer. I don't know why they finally gave up on the poor sucker. Maybe they realized the time had come at last.

Now if they can do something about the damn boat ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    One thing at a time. The boat can wait. At least they finally disposed of the oil-filled vat of tin used to fry the Thanksgiving turkey. It had been decorating the driveway for weeks.
