Friday, December 08, 2006

Women: Not as funny, but in tune with other stuff

Christopher Hitchens, in an article that exists solely to piss people off, says that woman aren't as funny as men, and lists some theories behind it. I basically agree with the gist of it, though, of course, I've met plenty of women who stack up at the far end of the bell curve.

Two things:
  1. It's strange that a guy who doesn't spend a great deal of time trying to make people laugh would write the article. Then again, most people who do humor also know that one of the most unfunny things possible is to analyze humor, or even talk about funny as a subject. Case in point, I recall one writer once talking about himself. (He was (is) a good writer.) But he also said, point-blank, "You know, I'm a funny guy." After that, I couldn't laugh at him. Don't know, that remark just made me wretch. Plenty of women, however, thought him clever. The other guys in the office just looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
  2. Women are much better than men at picking up on the depression of pets. I've heard "You're dog seems sad" many times. I'm usually thinking, "He seemed happy enough when he was eating whatever dead animal he just dug up."

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