Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Spent the weekend in Hico.

As I was driving up to the gate, I found it open. My face fell.

Arriving at a place where you were happily expecting to be alone -- with just yourself, your dogs, and the heavy, unbearable guilt that clouds every aspect of your life -- and then finding you have company is like having an ex pop by when you're drinking with buddies. (Let me tell you ... Eh, like hell I will).

Anyway, my sister and her family have been taking their spring break at the farm. They like to come down there and go crazy with projects -- killing cactus, cutting brush, picking up garbage.

My "projects" consist of taking the dogs swimming and burning stuff while intoxicated. I have no right to complain.

A reader asks:
So no predictions on how far Tech will make it in the big dance?

Tech has been so unpredictable this year, it's kinda tough to make any kind of reasonable guess, but I'll go ahead and give my thought process.

The Raiders of Red can either:
1. Play like they did during the high points of the year and make it into the sweet 16, or
2. Perform so badly that Bob Knight benches the entire team and plays himself -- using a zone defense that relies primarily on elbows and thrown chairs.
What will it be? This -- Tech goes out in the second round. Getting past the first round is enough to make me happy with this team.

Movies I watch so you don't have to: "A Scanner Darkly."
I expected: A science-fiction romp that played with my notions of reality.

I got: A meditation on drug addiction that pushed my limitations of muttered dialogue.

And another thing:
I don't get a lot of responses, and I feel a special kind of joy that makes my dog wag his tail out of empathy when I do.

Just do me one favor: Not that you have to, but consider coming up with some kind of handle that you can sign in with. I now have three people commenting: "Annonymous", "Annonymous Coward", and "Dave T." I'm happy that "Coward" came up with something to differentiate himself. Really, the rest of you can join in. It's not like you'd be leaving your actual name.

And even if you did, it's not like you have any chance of being discovered. The only people who see this site are the same eight people who have been here all along ... And, oh yeah, four dudes from China.

I don't know what that's about.

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