Sunday, April 15, 2007

To hell* with the Olympics

From The Chicago Tribune:

"WASHINGTON -- It seemed surprising when Mayor Richard Daley, who once dismissed bidding for the Olympics as a con game, announced a year ago he was forming a committee to explore the idea of having Chicago bid for the Olympics. It seemed improbable for a city that had almost no involvement with Olympic sports for nearly a half-century suddenly to want the Games themselves.

"Daley convinced the one man he needed that the city was dedicated to the effort, and the result Saturday was Chicago's selection over two-time Olympic host Los Angeles as the U.S. candidate for the 2016 Summer Games."

I gotta say I agreed with the mayor the first time.

There's been no reason since Atlanta '96 for any American city to want the Olympics. The games are a huge political freaking mess. And by God, if you don't figure out a way to feed the Tibetans right and you don't bus 150 separate countries to the shuffleboard arena on time, YOU'RE DAMN WELL GOING TO HEAR ABOUT IT FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS, YOU IGNORANT, STUPID JERK.

After which time it'll be another poor sap country's turn to take up the baton (HA!) in the race to be sniveled at.

Olympics may or may not be moneymakers. They definitely are the ego baby of the usual rich civic-minded people who otherwise got bored with helping out the unfortunate.

Also -- I no longer care.

At one point I watched the games because I really wanted to see the Russians go down. And I didn't much like the Albanians. The only country I get excited about taking out now is China, which I understand is really good in diving.

"Greg Louganis jumps off the platform! Do you believe in miracles? Ker-splash."

*Remember Stryper? Remember when you discovered they didn't mean it? I haven't. Please don't tell me.

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