Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A very small political observation

The focus right now on the presidential race is too early and can only to screw things up even more.

I'm a political junkie, but I don't really want to give the race more than a passing thought until October. Really, 12 months is a good enough amount of time to make this decision. Now, I can't go to a blog or newscast without hearing poll results and seeing campaign appearances.

The only people who really care right now are the party members, and they don't have the same priorities as normal people.

Meanwhile, the candidates' are just giving us the typical meaningless drivel, breathlessly reported upon like it was something interesting. People are only going to get tired. I'm tired. And tune it all out before the voting even starts.

I liked the old timing. The worst thing about Iowa going first was an umpteen-billion dollar subsidy for ethanol that isn't worth a crap.

We could do worse. I shudder in horror at what the candidates will be promising California.

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