Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Reality, Texas

VmarksTheSpot pointed to an item at the end of the Anchorwoman article about the upcoming Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge, to appear on CMT later this year. For those who don't know/care, Ty Murray lives in Stephenville, about 20 miles north of Hico.

This is Stephenville's second reality TV show. Last year, the fashion channel (or someone) made a Beverly Hills hairdresser and a Stephenville barber trade places and filmed the hilarious* results. I attribute Stephenville's ability to attract reality TV shows to the fact that the town has a big fiberglass cow overlooking the town square. Trust me, you want to attract reality TV producers who are looking for a place where people yell "Yeehew", just put a big fiberglass cow next to the courthouse -- they'll come a-runnin'.

So, just counting off the top of my head here: We're filming "Anchorwoman", Jewel's husband's show, another newsroom show -- based in Odessa, Disney is filming some D/FW high schools putting together High School Musical, and earlier we had the hair dresser thing.

The nation must have an insatiable appetite for people who can make "Yup" a three-syllable word.

*Not actually hilarious.

  • Returned this weekend from a trip to Norman -- hungover and with a scratch on my forehead of a non-remembered origin. Such is the reason God made Oklahoma.
  • Went to a Blue grass concert at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens on Sunday night. The band was called "Billy and the Hillbillies." Now, I can understand the need to tailor your content towards a family kind of crowd. I don't understand the need to dance around like Don Knotts in drag and constantly make bad jokes like, "If I divorce my wife, is she still my sister?"* At the end, I realized they could have fit at least four more songs in had they just shut up for five freakin' minutes.
*To tell the truth, I liked that one.


  1. Next time you're in Norman, give me a call & I'll buy you a beer.

  2. Yeah, I'll take you up on that.
