Monday, October 29, 2007

I get it. Tech sucks.

The thought hit me after seeing the Raiders of Red go down like a big thing going down against Colorado on Saturday.

Texas Tech football: Not good this year.

It's sad that it took seven games for this to get through to me, but it explains a lot.

Such as why everyone acted like beating an average A&M team was a huge upset -- Turns out, it was. It explains why the response after dropping games to Mizzou and Colorado was a big group hug as opposed to people yelling or hitting the panic button.

I'd be depressed, but, what the hell, it's already too late in the season to do anything about it.

Here are some comments I'll be making in the near future on Tech football:

    • "Take that Baylor! Yeah, that's right. How do you like me now, Bears?"
    • "That was an outstanding two minutes against Texas."
    • "Shreveport! Awesome!"
    • "I'd be more threatened by Kansas if coach Mangino's explosion wasn't immenent. I imagine half the reason they're winning is that opposing quarterbacks don't adjust to his gravitational tug when they throw the ball."*
*No, it has nothing to do with Tech, but I've been writing too much about football lately and am hereby declaring a self-imposed moratorium until December. So I wanted to get this in. And the guy makes me want to blow up my refrigerator just by looking at him.

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