Thursday, December 13, 2007

Awwwww ...

Granola chick lives in a log cabin with a little baby coyote and her cat.

Won't be so cute once the pup decides to cash in all of Morriss' nine lives, but for now it's cool.


  1. Hey Sandy - Just came across your blog somehow. Congrats on your baby! How's the Mr. Mom thing going?

    Blessings, John

  2. Hey John,

    Good to hear from you, and thanks. The Mr. Mom thing hasn't started yet, as Meredith still has a little bit of time before she has to go back to work. So, we're still trying to get ready for the transition. I am looking forward to it, in the short term. Longterm, I need to get a job.

    Tell the family hello. How are they doing? Are you still in Corpus?

