Friday, January 04, 2008

Back, with notes

Hello. It’s been something like 87 days since I last posted. Didn’t mean to take this long of a break, but I’ve kinda just spent the last three weeks rebooting after THE CHANGE.

This post is long and scattered.

Home life
Sam is napping right now. Actually, it’s this half-whining/half-napping thing he does when he’s too tired to do anything, but doesn’t like being tired. He’s really good at starting this thing at 5:30 in the morning.

I don’t really feel like I’ve stopped working and become the master of my domestic domain. It’s more like I’m just on extended leave and will return to work soon. It’s better to look at it that way than to start fretting over the job search and get all panicky.

My days more or less follow a routine:

6:30 a.m.: Wake up, eat breakfast or, if Sam is awake, feed him, then feed self.

7:30 a.m.: Entertain Sam by laying him on his stomach and then asking him to do things in a childish voice.

Why is the childish voice necessary? He has two syllables so far – "Ah" and "Goo." Does it matter to him if I add silly wittle soundsy at the ends of my wordsy?

9 a.m.: Hand Sam off to Mom, take nap.

1 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Take Sam back from Mom, repeat entertaining and feeding schedule interspersed with naps, which allow me to get ahead of the chores or goof off. Mainly goof off.

9 p.m.: Bed time.

The wardrobe of the stay-at-home dad.
Monday: Sweat pants, T-shirt.
Tuesday: Sweat pants, T-shirt.
Wednesday: Fleece pants, T-shirt.
Thursday: Shorts, T-shirt, flannel shirt.
Friday: Sweat pants, T-shirt.

Sometimes I go nuts and bother putting on tennis shoes.

Christmastime, was here, time to spread some cheer
This year I made my first egg nog.

As the recipe seemed a little large for me and a couple of friends. I halved it. There were some problems: I didn’t have any nutmeg, and I beat the mixture a little too long and made it too fluffy.

Also, I forgot to halve the amount of liquor in the drink, and I also put in the amount the recipe required to make it "strongly spirited."

Hence, I had an egg nog that would’ve fueled Santa’s sleigh -- if Santa’s sleigh had flames on the side and the deer wore black studded leather.

Christmas take
I didn’t get any earth-shattering presents this year, but I got some nice stuff.

Thanks to some amazon gift certificates, I have a new sleeping bag for some trips I hope to be taking soon. My wife gave me a pizza stone (Yes, it’s what I asked for.) I’ll have some pictures of that. It allows me to attempt to produce what I was making when I was working for the Central Market café. I’ll just say that I’m not close. I gave my wife the thick, pink flannel pajamas that she asked for.

My family draws names for gift giving, and we set a $20 limit, which all of us break, on presents.

Thing is, we used to buy each other actual presents. Now, the entire routine has boiled down into asking where they like to shop, and then getting a gift certificate to that place.

Not wanting to do this, I gave my brother a hydration pack from Cabela’s. He said "Thanks," but I could tell he would’ve preferred the gift certificate.

I dunno. Gift certificates don’t show much effort. But since everyone has price limits, exactly what are you going buy that’s worth a damn?

At the family shindig in Hico, I was really happy to get this picture.

That’s Sam with his great grandparents, father’s mother’s side. Harold and Theda V are doing good, but it’s hard to get to see them as often as I’d like. Grandma played with Sam for quite some time before he got impatient. Don’t worry about my Grand dad. Tell him that you like the Dallas Cowboys, and remember that he served in World War II and doesn’t talk about it.

Some thoughts after the Gator Bowl

  • Yahoo!
  • God loves Mike Leach.
  • The TV color guy got excited and said "The Raiders are set to run the table next year!" I’m sure every Tech fan across the country immediately thought we’d been jinxed.
  • Next season, Texas Football will pick Tech to finish behind Oklahoma, Texas, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M and TCU for good measure.

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