Sunday, February 24, 2008

Familiar name from the New York Times

In an article about Texas women and the Democratic primary*:

“While all those redneck bubba cowboys were driving the cattle, the women were running the ranches,” said Terri Burke, a longtime Abilene newspaper editor who was recently named executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas.
My eyebrows went up at "redneck bubba cowboys," but I'm sure the statement was made tongue-in-cheek.

Burke was hired at the Abilene Reporter-News all of two weeks after I got there.

I now know two people who have been quoted in the big two** of American newspapers: Burke in the Times and T. Wilson in the Washington Post (on being an unemployed computer guy in Texas). This means nothing, other than the fact I'm getting old.

UPDATE: My wife was not happy with my description of the story below, feeling that I neglected to note that the story did detail some of the proud history of the politically active women in the state's history, which tends to get a short shrift nationally, as everyone on the east coast thinks of us as bubba rednecks. OK.

*The point of the story: Texas women are aware of the Democratic primary. They may vote for Obama, on the other hand, they may vote for Clinton. Or maybe not.

** Also known as the "Big Three" when you include the Wall Street Journal.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Oh yeah. I forgot about that fifteen minutes of fame.
