Monday, February 04, 2008


To be honest, I was surprised by the outcome of the game. I, like every other person, thought the Pats would win. I thought, and think, that all the sports pundits picking the Giants had more to do with them wanting to see New England go down.

But I don't see it as the greatest shocker ever. New England had limped through the playoffs. The Giants were on a roll and just kept getting better. I was thinking close game going in.

And the game was boring until the final 10 minutes. Then it was pretty good. At Scott's mighty Super Bowl party, it was funny. Everyone talked during the game, then got quiet to watch the commercials.

My favorite was the one with the animals screaming.

And, for a nice little cap on the season. The video below wasn't posted originally because I thought everyone had already seen it. Just in case you haven't, it was the funniest thing I saw last month. Go Raiders.

Salty subtitle warning.

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