Tuesday, March 04, 2008

RiffTrax good

Oops: Hat tip to Rex 2.o, who pointed out the site a long time ago.

I keep telling the Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans I know about RiffTrax, then always forget to send them the link.

To describe it: The cast from MST3K -- Mike, Crow, Servo -- have reformed as a web service. You download a soundtrack to play along with the movie they’re making fun of.

Originally, the riff consisted only of audio, which would slowly go off track 4-5 times during the movie and you’d have to re-sync things. They’ve since improved their product and now have a DVD player you can download that will automatically sync-up to the movie soundtrack.

The great thing is that they no longer have to worry about copyright issues, so they can make fun of any movie out there. They've also had some guest riffers on, most recently Weird Al Yankovic.

So far I’ve watched Raiders of the Lost Ark, a couple of the Star Wars riffs, and Road House. All of them had me laughing until I wept. It’s worth a look for anyone who liked the old series on Comedy Central.

Anyway, I thought of posting this after they put some riffs of campaign commercials on YouTube. They're good, but the movie riffs have the most funny.

The actual site.

The blog with the commercials.

And a couple of samples below.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Ahem. I hat tip would be customary. But Rex 2.0 is no more, so it's a moot point. Glad you're enjoying Rifftrax. Btw, did you ever watch Bubbahotep?

    - TR

  2. Sorry. Could've sworn that I wrote something along the lines that "Rex pointed this out a while back" but didn't put it in the post.

    I've put Bubbahotep on the Netflix queue, tho I'll add that horror isn't really my thing.
