Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hmmmmm ...

  • Jeremy C. learns Oklahoma is bringing back John Blake.
  • Erfort finally sees one Pirates loss too many.
  • Todd W. hears about the Sears Craftsman 99-percent-off sale, one day too late.
  • Dave T. reads that Willie's next album will be techno.
  • David J. gets a call from his mother -- she a found a long lost note for him from "Eva something or other."
  • John W. learns that Wierd Al Yankovic has retired.
  • Scott M. loses his eBay fight for the Wookie lunchbox with light sabre-shaped thermos.
  • Kyle S. discovers he was supposed to use a special glossy sub at 1200 DPI, for cryin' out loud.
  • Tom R. learns that Paramount's next iteration of the series will be "Star Trek Follies: Hyperspace High Jinks!"

*Yes, it's old. But my brain works mostly in slow motion.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    My question: Why does everyone keep standing around in there? I mean, this guy is throwing large object like computer monitors at people...

  2. Mainly I noticed that the woman he hit with the monitor keeps acting like she wants to jump in, take a swing.
