Friday, August 08, 2008

No, I didn't watch the Olympic opening thing

I don't plan on watching much, period. But, who knows -- maybe if I happen to be flipping channels and can spend 10 seconds watching a race ...

I tire of the media saturation-type coverage of this track meet/one-world love in. I read today that BMX racing is now a medal event. Am I supposed to root for our adult kid-bike riders to beat the Russian adult kid-bike riders?
"Go! Pop a wheelie with more attitude! Flip on your handlebars better! Show those former commies and now-thugocracists!"

I don't care. I have no plans to care. The most enjoyment I've gotten from the Olympics so far is watching the posts on the Drudge Report about how things have occasionally teetered toward disaster for China.

And the only thing I noticed in coverage this morning was this photo, and how our first lady is way hotter than China's.

Otherwise, I got football practices to keep track of.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    too bad. The opening ceremonies were fantastic!!!! don't know how they did those things that they did.
