Thursday, August 14, 2008

Paging Dr. Scooter

Strange thing happened today.

I went to see the doctor, as my snoring has recently risen to marriage-threatening volumes.

Went through the usual rigamorole -- waiting in lobby, waiting in small observation room, wondering if I'd have to get naked for some reason.

The doctor comes in. And HE'S YOUNGER THAN I AM.

I had no idea how to react. All my doctors up to this point have been old, usually angry, men. The last one I had in Abilene was especially bitter, a man with graying hair in his 50s that'd yell questions at me.
"How much weight have you gained? Are you still drinking? When was the last time you had a donut!"

"Ummm ..."

"Don't answer! Did you eat something before you came in? Do you know how much time I'm wasting on you? How hard is your life that you want to spend 20 years of it hooked up to a respirator? Answer me!*"
No such treatment from this guy. He spent about five minutes talking to me, suggested that I continue losing weight and made a referral for a sleep study.

Then he took me into his office to pick up a business card. He had pictures on the wall from when he played in the Arkansas state football championship.

Weird. I didn't know if I should shake his hand or give him a high-five.

*Apologies to Bill Cosby

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    It's about time. Hope they can solve your problem. If it works for you you need to talk to your brother about going to the doctor.
