Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sam's de-butt* in the Star-Telegram

Anyway, for a quick update:

About a month ago Sam started trying to walk. Basically, he'd take a step and fall down. On Sunday, Aug. 17, 2008, he managed to string five steps together and I thought, "I'm calling it, he's walking."

Then, for a bit, he seemed to lose interest in walking at all. Yesterday, he took his five steps and, instead of falling down, he stopped, regained his balance, and took five more. Then he sat down violently. I keep worrying about his spine, the way the boy slams his butt down.

Anyway, here's a series of shots of Sam walking. I realize he looks almost maniacally happy in these shots, but I've discovered my boy is a bit of a ham when you point the camera at him, plus, I'd be happy to get above the evil cat myself.

*Pun stolen from an old Dick Tracy cartoon, which explains the cheesey.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    About time we saw some pictures of Sam!!! He's a cutie!
