Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sam discovers his inner viking, & notes

Spurred on by the evil cat ...

He's not going after anything at the end. He's just running and screaming for the joy of it. I haven't acted that way since my senior year at North Texas.

Workee work! etc.
Some of you may have noticed that even the paltry standards of updating this blog have fallen off somewhat since the beginning of the month. The thing is, I realized last weekend that I had maybe bitten off more than I could chew with three college classes, the internet teacher certification thing, and the job of keeping this house so clean you could eat off of any surface of your choosing.

I've since implemented the no-damn-fun-anytime-whatsoever action alert plan. No more library books, a hold on my Netflix queue, no weekend trips, and web surfing only when I couldn't otherwise be studying.

I've made some progress after earlier falling behind, but this is going to be a semester-long thing.

It took us about a week and half, but everyone has more or less recovered from Sam's cold, though I still have to cough to clear my throat. Sam's nose seems to be kinda-sorta cleared up. My primary impression of the experience is amazement that a 20-pound baby could produce that much mucous. Unbelievable.

Outdated things

Had another I'm-really-old moment at UTA on Wednesday.

I'm sitting in Union's Palo Duro Lounge, a place I like to go to almost solely because of the name, and was reading the comics in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Chuckling about once for every 10 strips, and otherwise thinking that it seems like comics used to be a lot more edgy and funny. It's like something took the oxygen out of them in the last five years.

Then I heard two guys laughing. They were downloading clips of "Family Guy" to their phones and playing them to each other.

Hico quadruplets
I understand this means four.

FORT WORTH — Tina McLean is planning for a big, big crowd at home in Hico this Thanksgiving, including three new sons and a new daughter that weren’t around last November.

I didn't recognize anyone, but it's not like I really know anyone.

The story goes on to talk about how the whole town is getting ready to welcome the family back, how people are lining up to pitch in.

And it made me think that, if this happened in the suburbs, you could maybe expect your neighbors to start waving at you, every once in a while.

POTUS talks farm
I guess I should start this out with a political disclaimer: I haven't talked politics here. I realize the image of some people will cause others to react like dracula seeing a cross. And, while I'm fascinated by politics, I've never really felt like I had much to add to the national chimps-flinging-feces-at-each-other conversation. I also want everyone to feel welcome here.

So, for the time being, I say I won't mess with your dudes. Don't mess with mine.

With that in mind, I present a nifty little bit of family history:

As part of his duties working for A&M and the Agrilife Extension Service, my brother in law, Andy Vestal, has to go to an emergency operations center in Austin any time there's a hurricane in the Gulf.

So, when my parents switched to Fox news to check in on coverage of Gustav (the one before Ike), they happened to catch Vestal chatting with President Bush in a background shot.

Here's Andy's account of it:

The President and I actually talked about AgriLife Extension and had a visit about our family farms in Hico and in Crawford just minutes away from each other. He wanted to know a bit about the expected rainfall for fall grazing and filling the tanks.

The President of the United States, talking about the Hico farm. That's pretty cool.

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