Sunday, October 26, 2008

Today, we'll find out ... something

Last post taken down, as the tastelessness was overwhelming the funny for me.

The following has mainly to do with Lubbock and football, and is probably not of much interest to anyone.

This has been an great week for a Tech fan. Three points to make before the game tonight.

Lubbock's weathered the national spotlight pretty well, tho my wife has been reporting plenty of meth-addled and STD-infected comments from work.

The worst thing I read was a column with a backhanded compliment in the Star-Telegram by Gil Lebreton, who basically said that, for a bunch moonshine-swilling, sister-sexing, knuckle-dragging morons, Tech fans were behaving pretty well this time around.

I'm doubtful he was even aware of the ironic nature of his compliment, just as I think most sports media don't see how the hostility they get from Tech fans is their own dismissive attitude thrown back in their face.

The best thing I read this week was also in the Star-Telegram, by Jennifer Engel. She wrote about the possibility that Mike Leach, Tech's coach, might actually be happy in Lubbock. This is apparently a thought that doesn't occur to people outside of West Texas often.

I also tired of all the opinion pieces saying that this game was Tech's one chance to prove itself, one chance to earn the respect of the national media.

No it isn't. The national media ranks the Longhorns the No.1 team in the country, which therefore means that Texas is supposed to beat everyone else.

Besides, if Tech loses this game, then goes on to beat Oklahoma State and Oklahoma, are we still undeserving of respect? Do we still not have a program worthy of standing alongside the national powers?


And go Tech.


  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    You know ESPN is doing their game day program from Lubbock on Sat Morning. There are about 1200 people camped out outside of the stadium, "Raiderland", so that they can get good seats.

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    By the way RAiderland is up to 20,000 people now. The whole town has gone nuts. I just hope Tech plays well!!!
