Thursday, October 02, 2008

Son turns one

We celebrated Sam's first birthday over the weekend. And -- despite the stress involved with attempting to feed and entertain 15 people in a small house with no seating -- things went pretty well. It helps that a 1-year-kid can provide a lot of entertainment.

Thanks to our guests. Sam got so many toys that he probably won't have time to play with them all before he graduates to the "I want a gun" level of toydom.

My Aunt Peggy gave him this plastic table that lights up and sings a song any time you push a button, spin a wheel, etc. He really seems keen on this bit that sings out numbers, and I'm sure I'll soon be hearing "One-twothreefour-five-six-seven-Eight-NINE-TE-EN!" in my sleep any day now. But it's kinda fascinating to watch him figure things out, make intellectual progress right in front of you, as opposed to coming home from school one day and telling me what's in an atom.

Otherwise -- the boy has grown a lot in a year. Like amazingly. Here's a comparison:

Sam in the delivery room (all cleaned up, no gross stuff here).

And Sam at one year.

And since I don't want to write any sentimental junk, I'll let Jim Croce do it for me.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Time does fly!! Take time to smell the roses.
