Thursday, January 15, 2009

Updates, notes, TV and whatnot ...

It's one of those things where I haven't written for so long, I got too much stuff on my mind and not enough energy to write it.

First, with the whatnot ...

A video that combines the two great passions of dog lovers and those who like the movie "Grease."

"Woof" is the word. Haha! Kill me!

-- Grandad had surgery Monday. They basically went in and did their best to clean out his lungs. And he seems to be recovering pretty well and will hopefully be able to go back home soon. He's 94, and a tough, tough man.

-- School begins Wednesday. I'm taking calculus, and wondering about the ratio of out-of-shape body to out-of-shape mind. Perhaps it's inverse. Exponentially so, even. I can hope.

I'm nervous about the subject matter, but my focus has been shifting over the Christmas break. I'm mainly thinking about just where in God's name I'm going to end up this fall and how I'm going to do at teaching basic geometry, factorization and whatever to 13-year-olds. The closer you get to the actual thing, the more you worry about it, wonder about what road blocks are going to be thrown in your way.

-- In case you missed it, and you probably did, the Food Network covered Hico's Texas Steak Championship Cook-off and aired the piece earlier this month. I haven't seen the clip, as we don't have cable and the Food Network hasn't bothered to put it on the internet.

Still, as this blog calls itself "News from Hico" -- even though it has little to do with actual news in the actual town of Hico -- I felt kinda obligated to mention it.

-- For me, two great programming events happen this week. First off, Rifftrax, the web site that was formally the people behind MST3K, is doing a live riff at 8 p.m. today (Thursday), online. For free. The guys are just riffing on a short, educational film, but I still feel the need for popcorn.

Secondly, Friday Night Lights finally premieres on Friday. It's about *@&*%^$ time. This show had some serious problems before the writer's strike shut it down last year. A lot of the plot exists just to give some characters face time, and the show generally seems to be flailing along without any overall storyline to drive the action. Also, the marketing angle of the show has given me a man-crush on the guy who plays Tim Riggins, which I find disturbing.

Still, it's the best West-Texas-based show on TV today.

-- This computer is just about dead. Tends to lock-up once every 15 minutes, causing me to -- Oh, you're kidding me. It locked up as I was typing that sentence. Arh.

-- Ricardo Montalban insert your own Khan or Fantasy Island joke here. Still, you got to admit the guy was likable. Made me smile anytime I saw him. I remember the joke Burt Reynolds made on the Tonight Show.

"You can't lock Montalban alone in a room, because he'd literally charm himself to death."


-- Eh. I should get back to studying. Happy Thursday.

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