Thursday, February 05, 2009

Like toast on a campfire

It was Meredith who pegged it. "You're just really burnt out, aren't you?"

And I asked myself, "How does an unemployed man get burnt out?" Well, here's the situation in a nutshell, without too much whining:

Over the Christmas break, I had to sprint through about half of my on-line teacher
certification coursework to make the required deadline. A week after that, I had to take a certification test. I studied and then spent four hours taking that sucker, and have no idea if I passed as much of the content covers stuff we just kinda barely covered in the on-line course.

And then my head hurt. Like brain death. I didn't want to think much about much. I dropped my calculus course at UTA (in time for a full refund) and will probably take a simpler course in the summer. Right now, I need to focus on finding a job.

Otherwise, things are getting back to normal. The fun of Facebook peters out after the friend requests dry up, so I'm spending less time with that. I've decided to really make an effort and learn about landscaping and gardening this spring, something I've been meaning to do for a while.

I'd post a picture of the current state of our yard, but I'm afraid the image might result in action taken by the municipality of Fort Worth. So here's one of Sam in the leaves.

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