Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wal-Mart observations

You can never find bok choi when you're looking for it.

Is anyone else bugged by seeing kids riding around in shopping carts? I'm not talking wee ones, I'm talking kids who look like they could be doing algebra homework. In my memory, as soon as we were too big for the cart seat, we walked. I realize that maybe it's a safety issue and you want your kids where you can see them, but that means keeping your eyes open, not infantilizing your pre-teen.

My mom expected us to walk and to stay with her, to the point where she once got tired of waiting up for me and drove off, making me walk home. True story.

Ever notice how big a difference the cashier makes? You either get the generally happy with life cashier, or the I'm-so-miserable-that-the-path-of-life-has-led-me-to-a-job-at-Wal-Mart cashier. I had one of the latter today, and I really could have done without the self-pitying sigh while handling my chicken, thankyouverymuch.


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Please explain that we only live 3 blocks from the store and at that time in a very safe neighborhood!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Sandy, all you had to do was call me and I would have picked you up AND bought you an icee. Your she-devil mother could have scarred you for life.

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hey Sandy, maybe the pre teens in grocery carts is a Wal Mart phenomenon maybe more research is needed.

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    FYI Amy Morris is anonymous did not want to sign up HA

  5. That's OK, the vast majority of my commenters are anonymous. It's a little game I play, trying to figure out who they are*.

    *Answer: 80 percent of the time, my wife.

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    sometimes your mother.
