Friday, March 06, 2009

And another cut! And another cut! And ...

I'm beginning to compare my wife to a soldier -- albeit a soldier who becomes physically ill at the sight of a roach and who really likes to talk about emotions.

But mainly because I can see the mental wear and tear she's had to go through, as the Star-Telegram made its fourth(?) round of cuts in the last two years on Thursday.

Mainly, I see the comparison with the combat veteran who sees his friends get shot, but keeps going on, feeling guilty because he survived.

OK, the metaphor's a stretch, but I can't really imagine working in an environment where the staff keeps getting pared down and the survivors just have to keep on taking on more work. And half the people leaving are in "worst possible time for this to happen" phase in their life. It's not fun to work for a newspaper right now.

I admire her a great deal for being able to hold it together, put me through teacher certification, and spend baby time with the boy. I know I'd have said to hell with all that a long time ago and retreated to the farm, middle finger angrily in the air.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Thanks, hon, it's comments like those (and a clean house!) that make it all worthwhile.
