Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diet update

Since I've received a lot of comments and questions on the diet, I think I should just pass along an update, instead of answering in comments.

The good part:
  • I'm losing a pound a day (8 of them, so far).
  • It's nice to feel my body having an easier time with basic functions.
  • My wife says I look better.
  • I'm no longer eating my family out of house and home -- the total cost of my average meal nowadays is about $1.
The bad part:
  • Life has become a sad, depressing exercise with little meaning and no hope.
Man, I miss me some sugar. The granular kind you use to sweeten things.

I realize that eventually, the weight loss will hit a wall, at which time I'll have to add exercise. I still have a long way to go.

As to what the diet consists of, here it is in more detail than my first post:
  • There has been a fairly severe cutback in caloric intake, but it's mainly the bad stuff. I'm eating more vegetables than before.
  • I've decided that eating high quality meat rarely is much better than eating low quality meat all the time.
  • I've cut WAY back on the carbs, allowing myself a cup of cereal for breakfast and a lunchtime sandwich on alternating days.
  • The only occasional snack I allow myself is a cup of tea, or maybe, if I really need it, a cup of coffee. Plain.
I've received plenty of suggestions to not go hungry and just pig out on vegetables, but I'm wary. If I eat so many vegetables that I get sick of them, what exactly am I supposed to eat then? Besides, in some ways, being hungry feels good. Being hungry means that work is being done, fat is getting burned. Being hungry tells me I'm losing weight.

The worst part isn't the hunger, it's just the irritability. I think I'm getting a handle on that, but I'd like to go ahead and continue apologising to my wife.


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Starving is not the way to go. There are lots of low calorie muffin recipes, check weight watchers. The Sara Lee delightful bread is low calorie and GOOD. You need to eat a well balanced meal or you will go hungry and that leads to failure.

  2. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Hang in, there. You are doing a great job!!! Also, all the death around you probably isn't helping your mood. Take it easy.
