Monday, April 06, 2009

5:30 a.m., UTA Library

A paper to write regarding the discovery of rules behind regular and irregular polyhedra, and 2 hours, 20 minutes to write it in. Meanwhile, I can't get TV show "Kings" off my mind. I can't decide if I should waste another hour on what I already know won't be worth the time.


I've discovered another signpost on my way to old age: I now prefer getting up early to staying up late. Staying up late means you want one more round, more time to flirt or you just want to see what's going to happen. Getting up early means you got stuff to do and not enough time to do it. On the other hand, the food at 6 a.m. is far better for than your average 2 a.m. fare.


I could feel like a loser for getting here at 5:30 a.m. But what about this guy two desks over? A college kid who's in the library before I am, apparently so he can watch South Park on the internet.


I heard a rumor last night that the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal would soon file for bankruptcy. I couldn't confirm this anywhere, but I did notice that the failure of it's parent company, Morris Communications, seems imminent. Sheesh. You hear about the fall of the newspaper industry going back to your college days. Then it happens to your own paper, and it's still a shock.


OK. To work.

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