Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A little off-season fun

I missed this as it was happening yesterday:

The commotion began when Leach, who has a history of needling A&M, told SportsDay that he was happy for (Stephen) McGee, taken in the fourth round by the Cowboys.

"The Dallas Cowboys like him more than his coaches at A&M did," Leach said Sunday.

The remark left McGee stunned and Sherman puzzled.

Besides "stunned" and "puzzled", I also understand there was "bristling" and "unctiousness" involved.

As the Tech fan in me giggles, I'm thinking there are a couple of things going on here. Leach was angry his quarterback didn't get drafted and Leach used that anger to take a pot shot at A&M.

But it's a pot shot dead on target. As in, "You have a quarterback of McGee's ability, and the best you can do is build an offense around a fat running back who reminds me of William Perry in all his post-retirement glory?"

I don't think it was a pot shot at any one person so much as a system, and most Aggies themselves haven't been too happy with that system lately, either. It's a perfect example of Leach -- a freak with a sometimes tenuous grasp on reality who still has the ability to throw a masterful jab.

So a little rivarly fun here. I feel the need to play video game football for a bit. Excuse me.

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