Friday, October 08, 2010

Quick reviews

To be a commercial, let me say I love Netflix -- they offer a ridiculous variety of movies, the suggestion ap is relatively useful, and the instant streaming provides plenty of decent movies and all the "Bob the Builder" the boy will ever need.

Some thoughts on the latest things I've watched:

"When In Rome"

Perhaps the lamest rom-com of all time. Incredibly bad. The acting is either too overwrought or too "give-me-my-paycheck-now." It's not a story, it's a list of cliches tapped out by a 13-year-old girl who just had a double-shot of espresso spiked with Ritalin. The plot is driven by a magic fountain that seems more pulled from the posterior than the midi-chlorians* in Star Wars.

And yet: The wife and I essentially turned against this movie about a third of the way through, and ended up cracking jokes and having a good time to the end, when you see a miscast Will Arnett unable to act like he's having a good time during the dance number.

This is the "Plan 9 From Outer Space" of rom-coms. A middling movie would have been more difficult to watch. I'm probably going to check out "Rome" again just to see what else there is to ridicule.

"Beer Wars"

A documentary that doesn't do justice to a fascinating subject. For some reason the woman who created the film thinks we should really be interested in her life. (I'm not.) It also doesn't help her point of view -- which she shoves down our throats the entire movie -- that she's allergic to beer. So she's railing against the major brewers out there (mainly Anheuser-Busch) and their "tasteless" beers, when she hasn't even tasted it or the micro-brews she's championing.

But, as I said, it's a fascinating subject, and there's enough info to keep you watching. It's just that the tone of the film is so strident and banal that it becomes annoying. This film would like to be an op-ed, but it feels more like a letter to the editor from the crazy old lady. (Those of you who work(ed) in newspapers can probably understand that reference better.)

I might write more on this later, as it started a couple of arguments in my head.


A quaint movie with Owen Wilson and that guy who was on Saturday Night Live for half a season, way back when. It also has Gretchen Mol, who I find attractive simply because of her name. Owen plays a tenure-seeking college professor with a wrecked personal life. It's a simple, non-challenging story that feels like someone's first attempt at movie-making. Still, it's great for a slow, fall afternoon; when you don't mind the easy pace and gentle humor. Also good if you like Owen Wilson. Or quirky stories about English professors. Or Gretchen Mol for having such a hot name.

* Yes, it is spell-checked. You're welcome.


  1. Hey, Sandy. Hope things are going well.

    So, did you ever watch Bubbahotep?

  2. Hey Tom. I'm good. I haven't. I have a hard time with horror, even horror-comic. I never really saw the greatness everyone was raving about in "Sean of the Dead." Still, it's now on my Netflix. Which I've been referring to way too much lately.
