Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm glad I missed the bandwagon on ...

First off, it's too implausible. A really malignant disease or toxin wouldn't waste it's time coming up with the ridiculous amounts of energy required to animate dead flesh. If it had that kind of potential, it would just make live people dead, not the other way around. And what's the point of a disease that brings the dead back to life, just so they can then make more people dead? What do they do when they finish? Just stumble around bumping into each other and groaning non-effectively until they crumble into dust or blow up a gas station? Secondly, I realize that zombies are really about a story element, and the creepy effect of seeing dead people slithering around hits a lot of people on the subconscious fun button, but does nothing for me. It's just an emotional blank screen, sorry.

Any of several thousand apps now available on Facebook.
And they all want to post junk using my name. Really. Who the hell would accept that agreement in first place? I mean, besides 75 of my "friends" who really need to start re-thinking boundaries.

See above, only I don't know what it means. It seems kind of craftish or something.

Mad Men. 
After one season, the only point I could see being made was that we are so much more awesome than those people from the past, dude. I never went back for season 2.

Food snobbery in general, coffee snobbery in particular.
A man on NPR the other day was introduced as the guy who "Writes about coffee for the New York Times."

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
I realize it exists and is probably really evil, but I have a hard time believing more people didn't laugh when they heard the phrase "Scandinavian mafia."

The Hunger Games
I realize it exists and is probably really evil, but teenagers dying for the entertainment value sounds like a serious version of "Heathers" -- and I thought "Heathers" blew.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I thought of Heathers the other day in relation to bullying, not Hunger Games. Hmmm.
