Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lord of the Rings. Dogs.

So I wrote a bit last week about the frustration/luck I have with not knowing how I can go full tilt with my geek knowledge on “The Lord of the Rings.” Some one wrote a comment that I would find a way and that it “was my destiny.”

While out biking Monday I pass two dogs playing in a yard where a young woman is working. The dogs, a pit bull and German shepherd, notice me when I pass and start chasing. At the time, I’ve just climbed a hill, I’m tired, and I wouldn’t want the hounds to chase me for a mile down a highway in the first place.

So I stop. The shepherd is friendly, and happily allows me to pet him. The pit doesn’t act aggressive, but keeps his distance and barks.

Eventually the girl makes her way across the street, grabs the German shepherd and calls the pit bull. His name? “Frodo.”

She doesn’t want to get into a conversation about it, what with the cars stopping in the middle of the road and me probably being a weirdo. So she grabs her dogs and takes them back, I ride on. The wee hamlet this incident took place in is called “Fairy.”

Weird. Definitely weird.

And I personally think a pit bull would be more dwarvish.

*My fiancée says that “Clerks II” has an interesting comparison on Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it, but I’m not so sure that I’m going to happy-slappy down $8 to see the movie. I can wait for NetFlix. But for those who may be interested, there it is.

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