Friday, July 28, 2006

On Dr. Who

And now, a contribution from Mer*:

Back in April, an unfortunately long layover in England left me bunked down for the night at a motel. Instead of acting like a normal tourist and taking the subway to see Big Ben or the Millenium Wheel, I chose to order gobs of room service and watch TV. Flipping around all the scaredy-cat reports about the first case of bird flu in the UK I found a gem -- “Doctor Who” is back.

Since I don’t have cable or a TV antenna (by choice!), I had no idea they started the series again.

The ninth Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston (first photo), is far better looking than the trolls who came before him. And the new shows are really cool, too. Camp and sci-fi perfectly wedded. (Fanatics hoping for ascension to Gallifrey needn’t bother spamming me. I do not claim to know much about the series.)

I am thrilled that the first season came out on DVD a few weeks ago. Thank goodness for Netflix.

But I have sad news. Just as I began to get used to the new Doctor he leaves. A tenth incarnation. And not a very handsome one is this David Tennant (bottom photo). Lock him in the TARDIS and throw away the key.

Purpose in writing this? Just wanted to let other busy people know an oldster show I enjoyed as a teen was back. Oh, and to gush about Christopher Eccleston.

* The views expressed in this post may not be the views held by "News From Hico" staff. Hell, we've never seen the show and would never had heard of it save for the fact that Nick, this dude in college, was a fan. Or had a poster in his dorm room. Nick was a stand-up guy, but also an English/philosophy major who enjoyed putting old latin phrases into his poetry. We therefore say the jury is still out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Thanks for the insight! I had no idea the show was still around. I was one of those geeks who stayed up until 2 a.m. and watched the reruns from the 60s and 70s on PBS on Saturday nights. Since reading this, I found the Sci-Fi channel shows it periodically. I even met and have an autographed picture of Doctor Who #3. Alright, I'll stop. I'm a nerd, I know. Just got excited -- an actual fellow Whovian!
