Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cowboys up and out

Somewhere in my head the past few months there has been a chemical change. I just don't like the Cowboys any more. What's to like with these people? The team is just Jerry Jones' ego brought into physical reality. It's a big ego, but one that way overestimates its knowledge of football.

I watch these games waiting for these people to die on the field.

After almost a decade of feeling the change, it's finally dawned on me who my new favorite team is: Miami. They have my two favorite players and let Ricky Williams move on to his real passion of toking it up and Doritos.

Still, this doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching Dallas. They're usually the team that's on, and habbits that go back to infancy tend to die pretty hard.

Still, who do you love*?


Or this?

The question answers itself.

* Meant in the good, friendly, only a little gay sense.


  1. Neither, really. I know they keep breaking my heart, but GO SKINS!

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Peyt and the Colts are gonna get'r done!
