Tuesday, September 12, 2006


First off
My Dad is finally home from the hospital, after spending three weeks there with complications from the heart surgery. These were not serious complications, they were more in line with the car making a funny noise after the engine is rebuilt.

After the first surgery, his heartbeat kept dropping into some kind of strange five-beat jazz rhythm. The surgeons just gave up and installed a pacemaker. This had to be delayed because Dad's blood was hovering at around the too-thin level.

So he's home, sore, resting and getting used to an ABC of medications he'll be on for a while. But he's otherwise healthy and will probably be running around, preventing people from throwing away his garbage, in no time.

The 4400

Started watching the USA series the 4400 with my Netflix last weekend. And I dunno.

It's an intriguing idea (4400 people abducted over 60 years suddenly return without aging and with neat-o powers). The episode after the pilot was interesting, focusing on one guy trying to make a bad neighborhood better.

Where the show goes wrong so far is in the primary story lines. It's like the network demanded the show hit it's demographic plot points at the expense in reality.

-- We have a high school student in a blossoming romance, and a rival who tells him, "You think you can disappear for three years and just waltz back in here, freak?" Uh-huh.

-- We have a young mother whose husband doesn't even bother to come by and pick her up after she re-appears. And acts surprised when she shows up, even though he lives in the same damn house that they used to live in.

-- We have a teenager whose been in a coma for three years. He still has his own hospital room so his parents can come and brood over him alone.

-- We have a child oracle. A cute little kid who glances at adults with a smile and says disturbing things about the future. I hate child oracles.

Chance of making it through the first season: 50 percent.

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