Thursday, February 15, 2007

The cold road

So this is parked in front of my house this morning:

The City of Fort Worth has this unusual notion of repaving streets:

  1. Grind ashphalt surface.
  2. Cover with fine dirt that will stick to cars like moon dust on the lunar rover.
  3. Wait two days.
  4. Pack dirt with big roller.
  5. Wait one week. Tell people asking about the process that you have no intention of working if anyone spots a cloud anywhere closer than Marfa.
  6. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Voila, you eventually have a resurfaced road. I think. I really can't be sure what they're doing out there. Hell, they could be building a block-long swimming pool for all I know. Which would be sweet.

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