Friday, February 16, 2007

Heretical viewing

I noticed a while back that blogger Rex recently was recognized on another, more well-known blog, as pointing out a "heresy" episode in the original "Star Trek" series. Sort, of. I get lost in this stuff.

Anyway, the post made me think about some of the episodes from some of my favorite series that would be rated as heresies. Here's what I could remember:
  • Deadwood: Season 1, Episode 8: "Al is plum wore out." Swearingen dreams himself onto the cast of "Gilligan's Island."
  • Battlestar Gallactica: Season 2, Episode 5: "Difference." Otherwise known by fans as the "Freakin' Light Sabres!" episode.
  • Star Trek -- Enterprise: Season 3, Episode 7: "Future stuff." Enterprise moves forward in time, beams aboard the "Voyager" and beats the living crap out of the crew for making everyone sick of the franchise. Capt. Janeway's stern invitation to "talk things out" over tea is rejected via photon torpedo. Not launched, just thrown really hard by Bakula.
  • Friday Night Lights: Season 1, Episode 6: "Don't we have a taco stand?" The West Texas town of Dillon grows huge trees on one block, then switches to desert about two neighborhoods over. Parts of the Austin skyline occasionally appear and then leave. And for some reason never explained, all Latinos have moved away.
  • The Simpsons: Season 10-Present: "No longer funny." Or relevant. Bad idea to make Lisa the main character. Bad idea.
Hmmm ... And that's really all that I can think of. I need to start watching Lost.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    When considering television heresies, one must not omit to ponder crossovers. Dwight Schrute has apparently been pondering a Lost/Battlestar Galactica crossover.
    P.S., who knew Dwight was a blogger?
