Friday, October 19, 2007

Goose was speaking to me

I was caught Thursday in the most awesome traffic delay ever.

Driving up I-35W on the trip to work. I glanced up and noticed some dots in the air, going way up, then down, then way up again while shooting out smoke.

The Blue Angels* are in town this weekend for the Alliance Air Show. (Alliance Airport is Son of Ross Perot's moneymaker.)

And the planes were out Thursday afternoon rehearsing. Or involved in one massive commercial dedicated to near rush-hour traffic along I-35.

People were slowing down, pulling over at the Cabela's or just stopping along the shoulder to take a look. Idiots. I kept on nearly running into them as I divided my time between watching the planes and maintaining my slightly-above-legal speed.

Anyway, cool to watch. A lot of low-level flying in formation, splitting off, reforming. I could hear the jet engines in my car. And I could hear Van Halen playing in my head.

*The Blue Angels' web site, if you don't know what I'm yapping about. Commie.

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