Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm a little worried about the 'Friday Night Lights'

And a few other notes ...

(Warning, lots of spoilers. Also a warning that if you don't watch Friday Night Lights, this first part will be gibberish. Skip on down a ways.)

I spent a lot of time last year nitpicking the show to death pretty much for my own amusement. But I always came back because I liked the characters and found the story lines generally compelling. And because the number of shows located in West Texas will probably peak out at one in my lifetime.

I liked the first episode of this season. Things seemed to get off to a good start.

The thing that nagged me was the fact that nice-boy geek Landry HAULED OFF AND KILLED A GUY. Honestly, the killing was fine. The problem was what happened afterward. Hide the body and don't call the police?

The Sports Guy at definitely did not like this, saying Landry had essentially deserted his character. Eh. I'm always of the position that a boy can get talked into any kind of stupidity if the woman he luvs is the one talking.

So for me, it was more about Tyra losing it that surprised me. She's plenty nuts, but usually in a self-preserving way, and she's always had a strong streak of common sense. (Hence her decision to aim for Texas Tech).

So anyway, this plot 'twist' happens, and it overshadows everything else about the show:

Gee, Landry is having difficulty learning to work through his blockers. That's a shame on top of the fact THAT HE KILLED A GUY. Hmmm ... Landry's making his usual sensitive geek jokes with his buddy. It must not be as funny after HE FREAKIN' BASHED A DUDE'S SKULL IN. And then he and Tyra HAVE SEX. I'm not buying it.
Meanwhile, the coach's daughter Julie is driving me nuts.

Her mother's falling apart trying to deal with a new baby, and she can't be bothered to help. All that she can do is go out and be jail bait for some slacker musician who'll soon find himself sliding into prison.

Meanwhile -- now that they've broken the Totally Impossible Relationships barrier with Landry and Tyra -- every time a guy and a girl on the show meet I'm wondering just how many episodes before they get it on.

Matt and his grandmother's nurse? I'm giving it three episodes. He's bound to be going through some lonely times.

Coach's wife and geeky science teacher? God, I hope that doesn't happen.

Last year, it would slide into Friday Night Lights, 90210. This year, it's more like Friday Night Lights: Hookin' Up!

Schedule, schmedule
Reached a point this week where I just threw out every piece of advice regarding the boy. When he's hungry, I'll feed him. When he's asleep, I'll let him sleep.

He has no schedule. I recall the pediatrician's advice to put him to bed before he goes to sleep. The problem is he'll feed for two minutes. Then fall asleep. Then feed for a minute, then fall asleep for 30 seconds, and so on.

I give up. We'll just follow his lead until we reach that magical six-week point I've heard about when he settles into some kind of a discernable rhythm.

(On a slightly philosophic note, I kind of take this time as God's way of telling you that your kid is going to do what he wants to do, and is otherwise 75 percent out of your control.)

George Lucas planning Star Wars TV series. Damn.
I just wish he would allow someone who still cares about Star Wars to take control of the project, as opposed to himself.

Here's a quote from the story:

Lucas is confident he can find a home for his droids and Jedi, but he also knows the projects are unorthodox enough to give network executives pause.

"They are having a hard time," Lucas said. "They're saying, 'This doesn't fit into our little square boxes,' and I say, 'Well, yeah, but it's "Star Wars." And "Star Wars" doesn't fit into that box.' "

Actually, what most people are saying is that they'd like to put Star Wars into the little square box of "Things that do not suck."

Save for episodes 4 and 5 and parts of 3 and 6, George Lucas hasn't put much in that box lately.

And remember what happened the last time Lucas did Star Wars for TV.

Tired of Cowboys blather
From the gnashing of teeth on the local sports pages, you would've thought that Tony Romo did nothing on Sunday afternoon but torture golden retriever puppies on the sidelines. Sheesh. The season's not over. There's no reason to think the Cowboys couldn't win if they got another shot at the Patriots. I'd just like to see a victory in a freakin' playoff game.

(I had mixed feelings watching. Wes Welker went nuts all day. It was a pretty sweet sight for Tech fans. Also for myself. Before the season started, I was at a party in Oklahoma. The same guy who derided me for 'not knowing much about sports*' was also the one who said Wes Welker was overrated. Wish I had a phone number to text message "Suck this".)

*Which is true, by the way. I still don't like to hear it, tough guy.


  1. I too am very disallusioned with the murder storyline between Landry and Tyra! Totally unrealistic, particularly seeing as how Landry's dad is a law enforcement officer.

    And I can't believe Julie is ditching Saracen for The Swede!!!

  2. And another thing. Saracen was QB on the state championship team. You'd think he'd just develop a little bit cockiness here, not just be his old humble, scared of girls self.
