Thursday, October 11, 2007


About 15 days of posts in a handy condensed version.

It's 5 a.m., I'm just going to go through these until Sam wakes up or I finally pass out.

A special thanks to the wife

Who, thanks to pressures at work and the TV viewing habbits of her husband, has become literate in football. We watched the Cowboys game together on Monday and were both amazed. She stole "Friday Night Lights" from me when I was halfway through it and finished it in a couple of weeks.

And, most importantly, she knows the "Never-Tease-Husband-After-Tech-Loses" rule. Husband bends over backward to not dog anybody else when their team falls flat on their backsides, husband gets really annoyed really quick when people don't do the same for him.

And good job with the child-bearing thing.

Speaking of "Friday Night Lights"

Watched the premier episode and went away happy.

The show matured over the summer. The characters were all more at home with themselves, and most of my pet peeves were dealt with, like the first season's penchant for making high school relationships seem like husband/wife affairs.

This season, the first episode begins with a girl trying to cheat on her boyfriend solely out of boredom, and the boyfriend having no idea what to do with it. Then the girl gets humiliated. Yep, that's high school.

I'm slightly worried about the rumors of a Rosie O'Donnell appearance, but with any luck we'll be able to get through that together. Looking forward to the season.

Put the beer away, no cussin', and don't nobody say nothin' about no dirty movies

Hi Mom.

Maybe it's just me ...

But the Texas music I've heard lately mostly blows. All sounds the same. I realize that I'm not a bar scene kind of guy who keeps track of up-and-comers, but I'm usually able to find a couple of songs I like on 95.3 or 95.9 in Dallas.

But the last month or so, it's just been guys who are writing their 18th song about their disinterest in their love life or some dude posing to be Mr. Tough Guy and not fooling anyone. Too many songs with too much buildup and not enough substance.

The only thing I've heard lately that I've enjoyed has a pretty sick idea to it. Here's the chorus:

Well, I never kissed a girl,
Til I went to college.
She got drunk and cheated on me.

Well, I never kissed a boy,
Til I went to prison,
For murder in the first degree.

It's kind of catchy, clever, and straight out of a white trash nightmare. The fact that a joke song about this stuff is out there tells me that people are running out of ideas.

Note to the Aggies

Just wanted to say, I'll guarantee you that our stupid frat boys will always outstupid your stupid frat boys. Once it comes to being a stupid frat boy, you CANNOT BEAT a dude that brings in elements of racism and animal cruelty and puts it on a T-shirt with a graphic design that looks like it was drawn by an 8-year-old klansman bottlefed on a mixture of meth of ritalin.

You think your frat boys are stupidly offensive? Tech made the FREAKIN' DRUDGE REPORT over this.

So, in honor of the stupid frat boys of Texas Tech's Theta Chi chapter, I give them the disapproving image of O.J. Simpson*, who seems to be thinking, "You're on the verge of psychotic here, but it's missing a certain elegance ..."

And OK. My wife's alarm clock just went off. Y'all have a good day.

* Thanks to John.

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