Monday, January 14, 2008


Last week began the self-immolation of my own body fat, and it was a miserable three days. Right now I'm on break.

The perfect time to diet is when you’re unemployed. You set your schedule (around the boy’s naps) and it’s a lot easier to come up with distractions for the hunger when you’re not forced to sit at a desk for eight hours and think. And I can take naps more often.

I’ve started a fairly extreme regimen, one meal – breakfast – followed only by fruit snacks or maybe a salad for the rest of the day.

This all goes to pot when I have to work my two work shifts per week, but that won’t last long as they’ve hired my replacement.

Mainly what I’ve noticed about hunger is that it has a focusing effect. I wanted to work on the blog, but all I could think about was food. I thought about what I was having for breakfast the next day, and what kind of waffles I could come up with.

I thought about road trips and the possible eating stops.

I don’t know what day I’m going to the Fort Worth Stock Show, but I do know that it’s going to be splurge day and I’m going to have the Frito pie, a Stockyard cinnamon roll (described by the Star-Telegram as unadulterated sin) and perhaps a cowboy burrito.

Afterwards, I’ll die, with my heart going "pop" loud enough to cause a ruckus in the Goat Barn.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Do you know anyone who saw this?
