Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Stephenville UFOs and other sightings

Brought to my attention by Alicia.

Actually, I wanted to write a little more on the Flippin deal and respond to Dave, but here's some junk that's been stuck in my mind recently.

"UFOs" "sighted" in Stephenville

Chamber of commerce shot.

Story here

For a tad of background, Stephenville is 20 miles north of Hico. I worked there while I was living in Hico. And I can say:
  • No, I never saw one.
  • Yes, the place has a drug problem like any small town.
  • No, this isn't because of the drugs.
  • And not because of any other small-town stereotypes you want to throw out there like a cow chip.
And I don't really have much in the way to make of jokes, because I don't believe in UFOs and making fun of it would be too easy.

I think that rural areas have more UFO sightings because the sky is clearer at night, you can see more stars, and therefore you see more planes and whatnot to report as UFOs. The weird part of the story (the original, the S-T has run this baby two days in a row) is the way everyone gives out estimated measurements of what they saw that just fly in the face of credibility.

One dude said that he saw the craft hovering "about 300 feet off the ground." Another dude said he saw a craft that was "about half a mile long."

Uh-huh. What made you think half-a-mile was the correct measurement there, Sparky? It looked bigger than Tarleton Memorial Stadium? You got some kind of aeronautical ruler that pops out of your thumb?

Anyway, no offense to the people who saw whatever the saw. I imagine they're telling the truth, but I can just think of about 10 other things off the top of my head that it might have been other than L. Ron Hubbard coming back.

Dog translator!

Dog translator! Awesome.

Though, I already know my dogs would say:
"Dude. You promised a real backyard and that we could kill the Evil Cat. Well? Well!? And thanks for the food. I love my ball."

Dumb advice
The MSN Hotmail login page always includes various feature stories on dating and work and fashion and dating. Generally the stories are lame, but I read one the other day that reached a new level of complete waste of space: 13 things not to share at work.

I read this because I thought they might have some juicy examples, and who knows, I might learn something. But, no examples. And here's some of the things that are off-limits:
  • What people make
  • What's going on with you health-wise
  • Gossip
  • Complaints about work
  • How much you spent on that doo-dad or suit
  • Your sex life
  • Politics or religion
  • Criticism of other people
  • Your hangover
  • Your personal life
  • Your racist opinions
Wow, they really went out on a limb there, what with saying racism is bad as we near the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act.

And for the other stuff: Apparently, you should avoid talking to everyone at work as much as possible.

And once again, I'm well ahead of the curve.

1 comment:

  1. A colleague today was talking about the Stephenville UFOs. I guess there was a piece in the New York Times, which reported the Air Force copped to having F16s flying training missions in the dark in the area. The story also said some guy from MUFON claimed that this admission strengthens the claim that there were real UFOs, because the F16's must have been chasing them.

    For myself, I don't think people who've seen UFOs get enough respect. Of course, I say that as someone who has seen a UFO.
