Thursday, October 04, 2007

Quick pics

Haven't had much time to blog lately. Don't have time to post now, only Grandma's demands for more baby pics were starting to border on the physically threatening. But it's a little hard to blog at 2 a.m. when your mother-in-law is sleeping in the computer room. (Still, thank God she's here.)
Here's a shot of Sam in a duck costume from Aunt Mindy. I understand the second before this he didn't look nearly as angry.

And here's Mom and Dad looking over their newest grandbizaby.

And this last one I call "Bigger, Faster, Stronger, held by Shorter, Fatter, Balder."


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics. As Oliver said, "Please sir, we want more!!" He looks great, really chubby cheeked!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is pinching my sweet great nephew in his stunning duck towel cover up???? You guys did good - He looks like a Segrist. Can't wait until it's my turn to hold him.

Anonymous said...

How about some new pictures of him and some new articles on your blog. Could it be that your time and your priorities have had a drastic readjustment? Mom

Anonymous said...

Still waiting!!!! mom

Anonymous said...

Did you say Grandbizaby?

Seagraves said...

Yes I did.