Thursday, January 24, 2008

Find your candidate

My wife sent me this:

The Presidential Campaign calculator.

I went through it, the questions mostly seeming somewhat relevant. And my candidate is:

"Tom Tancredo"

WTF. Tancredo? I’m not voting for some fringe dude whose primary goal is to talk about illegal aliens, an issue I have mixed feelings about.

The quiz is useless without this question:

Would you vote for:
  • Someone who saw a UFO on an acid trip with Shirley MacLaine?
  • Someone who speaks incessantly of the gold standard and transmitters in our money?
  • Someone on the fringety fringe of fringeness, who would not get elected even if a disaster of historic proportions managed to take out everyone else running for president?
  • Someone within the ballpark of "normal," at least as far as politicians go?


Anonymous said...

keep dropping by. got a google alert that you commented on abilene so I had to see what you were up to. you still crack me up. hope the dad thing is going well.

Barton Cromeens

Seagraves said...

Will do. And it's going pretty good.