Friday, February 09, 2007

Ely turns 60

And since I’ve been thinking about music, there’s a story today in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal about Lubbock musician Joe Ely turning 60.

Written by Bill Kerns, who is good but wordy, and he’s in rare form. I take the note at the top that this is the first of two stories as a warning.

I’m pointing the article out just to say that Ely was the first non-mainstream musician I ever listened to. I have four of his CDs, starting with Letters to Laredo. I didn’t know that he went to my high school. I also never rode a motorcycle down the halls. (One of several nifty stories in the piece.)

Update: Here's the link. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

On a not-so-random sidenote, we're having a Joe Ely exhibition this spring at the Ransom Center, and he's doing three concerts here. ( You should come down to Austin sometime!

Seagraves said...

Yeah. I need to get down there sometime. I've never seen him perform, so, maybe.

Anonymous said...

It's definately a show you will remember. He's got more talent in his little finger than most performers could ever dream of having. Sadly, he's always been underrated and ignored.

Jennilicious said...

There's also a question/answer bit with him in the February issue of Texas Monthly.